For more than a decade, Executive Director Jerry D. Spangler has been involved in archaeological research in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and surrounding areas. CPAA efforts have focused on analyzing the impacts of off-road vehicles on archaeological sites, on researching the remarkable pioneer heritage of the Paria River wagon route, and helping the town of Escalante with archaeological clearance work around the expanded Wide Hollow Reservoir. This is a truly remarkable region with a cultural history that spans 10,000 years, from Fremont hamlets to Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellings, from Basketmaker villages to a rich cowboy history.
CPAA is an enthusiastic partner with Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, which is seeking baseline data to better manage its cultural resources. In addition to the 2011 investigations of the upper Paria River corridor, this partnership has also resulted in archaeological studies in the Johnson Canyon area, where we documented a relatively continuous prehistoric presence from Basketmaker II to Pueblo II times. And on the remote Kaiparowits Plateau, we have documented a robust farming presence at almost 8000 feet elevation. These studies are ongoing. You can make a difference. Volunteer or contribute today!